Attacking Town Hall 8

Attacking Town Hall 8 with giant, archer and healer is a bad idea for me thats only work until Town Hall 7. So i decided looking for new armies combination, then i watch video on youtube about armies combination with wizards, giant and healers and i try it then guess what its really worked on attacking TH8! Here it is...

even when you cant get 100% of tottal destruction i guarantee you'll at least get 50%, i personaly doesnt really care about trophy i just want their resources especially dark elixir, since you dont have dark elixir yet on TH 7 the only way to get it just raiding.

Okay maybe they will say attacking with dragon is more easy but its too damn expensive! And i am not patient like other waiting for 30 minutes for a dragon, by the way attacking with wizards, healers and giant is quite expensive too but its much more faster i think.

Ok lets calculating the elixir cost :
200 army camp =
16 wizards lv 4 = 48000
16 giants lv 4 = 32000
4 healers lv 2 = 24000
Tottal = 104000!

Now lets compare with dragons raid

200 army camp =
10 dragons lv 1 = 250000 elixir!

So wizards, giant and healer is still much more cheap.
so be sure to attack the base who has 104000 elixir or more if you dont want to bankrupt.

The strategy is to destroy the air defense first before deploy the healers like this one...

Just deploy giants near air defense at once but beware of giant bomb and spring trap! Then deploy healers and wizards together i am sure you'll get the resources and at least 1 star.

Or if you want the resources and 100% of destruction just try to looking base like this..

I always love to attack base like that, quite easy anyway.
oh one more thing dont too depend on spell its too expensive just use it when you really have to.
I never use this troops combination to the base who alerdy have x-bow i am sure x-bow will take them out easily but i'll try it for sure.
just try ptivate server if you want train your skill on playing Clash of Clans.

Alright maybe thata all i can tell about attacking Town Hall 8 or maybe i should call this post combination of wizards, healers and guants?
Once again if you have anythings in mind you feel free to comment below
Keep playing and see yaa guys...

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